Code Document

Cells Gallery

  • Example 1:

  • Code:

    <ul class="vcel vm-cel vsl-cel vs-cel cell-gallery" style="--columns: 3;--m-columns: 3;--sl-columns: 3;--s-columns: 2;" data-vsettings>
    <li class="image-item image-326 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>
    <li class="image-item image-325 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>
    <li class="image-item image-324 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>
    <li class="image-item image-323 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>
    <li class="image-item image-322 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>
    <li class="image-item image-321 ">
    <div class="vimg vove-h">
    <a class="link-to-figure vlight vh-run" data-vlight="cell-6629e7eaed089" href="">
    <figure class="vmedia vtra vgrow vrun" data-vmedia=""></figure>


    • Los Angeles

    • CA

    • United States

  • Website

  • Facebook

  • Cells Gallery | Frontend UI Toolkit + Wordpress Framework

  • A wordpress framework used to structure simple Javascript and CSS prototypes. Hive is lite, only includes necessities and encourages custom styling.